Monday, July 10, 2006

Star Jones Reynolds: The Great Debate

Though the Star Jones Reynolds vs. Barbara Walters fight is "oh so last week," a colleauge of mine reopened this can of worms for me with a fresh perspective on Star's departure and Barbara's dealings with it.

My friend said that it's the typical minority woman's struggle. If she demands what she deserves career-wise, she's seen as a bitch. If she doesn't, then she never gets what she's due.

This sparks "The Great Debate":
Was Star ousted partly because she was a demanding, successful minority woman?

SPEAK UP! This issue affects us all, and if professional minority women continue to face this "trap", we have to discuss how we can overcome it and get the success we all deserve!

If you missed Barbara's announcement about Star leaving the view, check it out here.

Check out Star's response to the rift between her and Barbara on The Today Show.