Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Whitney Houston: What's really going on?

Click here for full article

So, here's an article that says Whitney's sister-in-law, Tina Brown, is blabbing on how nasty Whitney's bathroom is and how she's still doing drugs daily.

Quote from the article:
Tina Brown, who last week confessed to the tabloid that she did crack with Houston, said the Grammy-winning singer has lesbian affairs, chases men around her house and locks herself away for hours with a vast collection of sex toys when she’s high on drugs.

The "What Happened to Whitney" stories never cease to end. For me, who was an avid fan of Whitney's since I was young (for my senior graduation speech, I sang her song in front of the whole school - I'm talking about I was really a HUGE fan), she was my singing "idol" (I used that term loosely). I loved how her voice was so rich and strong, and how she was so beautiful. She had it all: spunk. soul. class. style.

So, what happened to Whitney? Another little secret is that I have met Whitney and worked with her over the course of some months on the Being Bobby Brown show. And what working with her taught me is that people are human, feelings are real, and everybody falls down sometimes.

What if chocolate was a drug. You know where to get it, you've tasted it before, and you know if you have 1 little bite of chocolate, it wouldn't hurt you that badly. Would you take the bite, after having been a chocolate lover for some time? Or quit cold turkey? With it being so easy to get and in your face at every restaurant, every grocery store, everywhere you turn, could you simply ignore it?

People are always knocking Whitney down, but I support her efforts at rehab. And all these naysayers and dirty talkers who continue to blab to the National Enquirer just to make some cash on the side need to be kicked out of her life. They don't help. They only hurt.

I mean, what I think really happened to Whitney is that she's tired of being confined to a perception of who people THINK she should be and who she REALLY IS. Clive Davis, society, movie goers, fans of her music, etc. They all have an image of who Whitney is to them in their heads, and she has to fulfill that image every day. I think she just got tired of it and rebelled. I just think her rebellion went too far, and it became a slippery slope and now she's constantly fighting an uphill battle that society, fans, and family continually try to push her back down.

Do you agree? Or do you think she's just a lost cause? There was once a Whitney Houston that was judged only by her voice and beauty, and not for her personal problems. Who says it's our right to even comment on her personal life? Would we like it if people knew EVERYTHING about our own personal life and felt entitled to comment?

Talk about it, ya'll. It's real.

Monday, April 10, 2006

Who's Heard of Post-nups?

This article was sent to the account, and I think it has room for a lot of debate. It talks about the new phenomenon of married couples creating Post-Nups, rather than Pre-nups. Here's an excerpt from the article (Click here for full article):

"I've seen a pickup in post-nups. They're much more popular," said Cynthia Rubin, a partner at Flemming Zulack Williamson Zauderer in New York. Rubin said most of the clients she's done post-nups for are successful women working in investment banking or corporate law who, upon deciding to leave the workforce to raise kids, are looking for financial security to compensate for the loss they'll be taking when they stop work for a few years."

But, who wants a "Nup" at all? If you get married, I think that's agreement enough: it's before God, your friends and family, and it's an agreement you've made with yourself to stick it out through thick and thin.

Some people think that it's better to get a pre-nup or post-nup if there's a huge gap between income and asset levels of the couples. Others think that money and assets should be part of the package deal when you get married. I've even heard people say that it's better to agree to the assets and financial award in the event of a divorce BEFOREHAND while you still like/love each other...that way, you get the best deal possible.

What do you guys think? Are you for a pre-nup or post-nup? Better yet, are YOU going to get one before or after YOU'RE married? That's the real question.