So who all is broken up so far?
Shaq and Shaunie (4 kids together, 5 years of marriage, and homegirl stashed his cash -- smart girl)
Dwayne Wade (2 kids, 5 years of marriage)
Eddie Murphy (5 kids, 12 years of marriage)
Michael Jordan (3 kids, 17 years of marriage, and homegirl could get $150 mil)
So, what are the odds of making it? Does it depend on how many folks are in your business when you're married? Or does it start with marrying the right person for the right reasons to begin with?
Or, in fact, is it that once a cheater, always a cheater, and you shouldn't even bother faking the funk by signing the papers?
Sometimes I feel bad for athletes and celebrities because the public blows their head up so much that they think that even their crap smells like roses -- but that ain't the case. Sooner or later, someone's going to knock them down off that high pedestal and then who are they gonna have left? I even see this with college athletes. Don't think the world revolves around you just because you're hot for the minute. That's what I love about Will and Jada, or even Blair Underwood and his wifey -- home is home, and work is just work. Don't believe the hype, no matter if you're a celebrity or not.
1 comment:
unfortunately, celebrities are not the only ones who are divorcing in large quantity. i don't think people are socialized to "stick it out" anymore. think about it. that goes for a job, a relationships, weight loss, anything. we lose interest after the initial flurry of activity and then there is the feeling of: "is this it? is that all there is?" or "i'm tired of this, i need something new" i am a victim of this mentality at times. i get restless about every 2 years (just long enough for me to have gotten settled somewhere) and then make some big change. i don't think it's so much a reflection of marriage as it is our inability to commit to anything in our lives. okay, that was too long a rant, i should be working...
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