Monday, December 10, 2007

An Inspiring Poem About Life - by my brother

Just wanted to share an inspiring/eye-opening poem about life that my brother wrote. If it moves you to comment, please let him know what you think. Enjoy.

My God

I started my life at the age of 22...

Let me run that by you one mo' again.

I started my life at the age of 22.

I lived in a glass box before then.

I lived a well thought out and planned existence

One life, one family, one girl, one master plan

I recognized my odds, but never thought to seek, my God.

The one altruistic, all-powerful God

Always has been, always is, and always will be


Within us

Within me

That divine being of unpredictability...


The one

Not two

Nor three


22 yall

22 years of a planned existence

Of my planned existence

That was simply fabricated

By that selfish being that inhabits us all

That whispers in your sleep

Telling you its okay to want and to dream

Resulting in my misplaced existence

22 years of searching for an existence with no memory

No social, no passport

That could disappear as quickly as it began

Vanishing into the quiet of my dreams without a trace

I was lost

Drowning in a sea of guilt and self-hatred and confusion

Only to find...

My God

Where He had been all along

In me

Don't you find it odd that

Our saving grace is to say grace

Eye to the third power equals one

You and I equal one

This world plus me in it times my God's beginning

Equals one

I know the math my sound strange, but no matter the name

Allah, Jesus Christ, Yahweh

We must all give praise

Afterall, wouldn't a rose by any other name smell as sweet?

Divinity and Salvation lay within

And to continually create a self-perpetual image

That systematically breeds ignorance

Which manifests a fundamental injustice done to

My God

Your God


Sickens me

Where is the junction that money and God meet?

I love my God and he ain't cheap

He's free

Because He is in me

As I'm in him

And together we dig deep to find Truth

With a capital T

So when the silence of your sleep leads you

To the depths of your imagination

You'll figure out what this all really means

So don't sleep
