This Baby Talk magazine cover offended quite a few women. Some reasons were:
1) A boob is sexual, and I don't want my sons/husband seeing it
2) It's gross to see
3) It should be a private thing between mother & child
Click here for the article.
Even mothers of infant children are disgusted by the cover:
"Gross, I am sick of seeing a baby attached to a boob," wrote Lauren, a mother of a 4-month-old."
One woman rebutted the notion of mandatory breastfeeding in private:
""My kid needed to eat," says the 29-year-old from South Abingdon, Mass. And she wasn't going to go hide in a not-so-clean restroom: "I don't send people to the bathroom when THEY want to eat," she says."
Statistically speaking, the article states that:
"In a survey published in 2004 by the American Dietetic Association, less than half — 43 percent — of 3,719 respondents said women should have the right to breast-feed in public places."
Do you think women should be able to breastfeed wherever they want, or should it be kept strictly private?
Whose opinion matters more - the nursing mothers' or the rest of society who sees them nursing in public?
Keep it real - does it gross you out to see a woman breastfeeding in public?
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