This Baby Talk magazine cover offended quite a few women. Some reasons were:
1) A boob is sexual, and I don't want my sons/husband seeing it
2) It's gross to see
3) It should be a private thing between mother & child
Click here for the article.
Even mothers of infant children are disgusted by the cover:
"Gross, I am sick of seeing a baby attached to a boob," wrote Lauren, a mother of a 4-month-old."
One woman rebutted the notion of mandatory breastfeeding in private:
""My kid needed to eat," says the 29-year-old from South Abingdon, Mass. And she wasn't going to go hide in a not-so-clean restroom: "I don't send people to the bathroom when THEY want to eat," she says."
Statistically speaking, the article states that:
"In a survey published in 2004 by the American Dietetic Association, less than half — 43 percent — of 3,719 respondents said women should have the right to breast-feed in public places."
Do you think women should be able to breastfeed wherever they want, or should it be kept strictly private?
Whose opinion matters more - the nursing mothers' or the rest of society who sees them nursing in public?
Keep it real - does it gross you out to see a woman breastfeeding in public?
Check out what other bloggers had to say about this and how other women commented on this issue at !
The first time I saw it I was in shock, but most women don't pull out their breast they have a blanket to hide it. Should they hide something that it is natural or wait to find a place that might be more private or hear a baby yelling like he/she is being tortured? I don't see it to be disgusting, I think it is natural and understandable especially when there is not clean and decent area to breast feed a baby.
I dunno....I'm kind of torn between 2 thoughts. On one hand, I think it's just hard for me to imagine breastfeeding a kid so I'm kind of grossed out by seeing it done by someone else. On the other hand, it's natural and has to be done for those who choose to breastfeed. A breast is only sexual because society made it that way. Hell, we all have seen the National Geographic boobies and we're struck by how free those women are...and it's because their breasts aren't sexual objects.
So, I don't know how I feel...hence, I'm straddling the line on this one.
I think YOU ARE ALL SICK MORONIC WOMEN!!!! To react to a baby suckling on its mother's breast!!! I just don't get
it! I just don't understand why the heck is the problem with that photo or any viewing af a female nursing her child from birth to the age of 5 years old!!!
It's okay that the boob is whipped out and viewed on billboards, on TV, in magazines anywhere you can see and utilized to SELL ANYTHING EXCEPT for WHAT it is ACTUALLY MADE TO DO FEED A CHILD!!!!! It is a sexual object because of the religious BRAIN WASHING" which makes it in your NASTY DIRTY MINDS DISGUSTING!!! It sure ain't disgusting when you are in your skinny bikini top now is it?! Then you are that little sex kitten and you just long for the date/hubsbands lips upon it! Take a photo of that - oh that's okay- use that in an ad or soap opera, movie - that's okay! But an innocent child!!!! OH MY GOD!!!!!!! Please Let me Faint from the distress of it all!!! Where are the Smelling Salts!!!! Give me a BREAK!!!
Those of you who are ashamed because of the husband tell him to get a life!!! They are yours and your child's boobs not his alone. He can get his share when it is truly appropriate.
I have yet to have observed in 40 years of my 54 years any breast-feeding mom who was not modest in public. There occassionally have been a moment where the dear child has stopped feeding peeped their head out from the covering to view what was going on and in doing so out popped the appendage - personaly I just cracked up laughing but I guess you uptight idiots are thinking - OH MY WHAT A HORRIBLE THING TO HAVE OCCURRED!!!!
Please can you be SHOCKED that a FAMILY CANNOT AFFORD FOOD and an APARTMENT to LIVE IN YET the PARENTS are BOTH WORKING or CANNOT AFFORD HEALTHCARE or CANNOT GET FOODSTAMPS - WHY!!! BECAUSE THEY MAKE TOOOO MUCH MONEY (at minimum wages)YET THERE IS NOT ENOUGH MONEY TO GO AROUND TO BUY FOOD and PAY RENT!!!! That a family at one ponit could afford to purchase a brand new car so that they both could get to work. Due to circumstances the lost of a job and sickness that lead to the loss of a job they are out on the streets. They are looking for some assistance from government just to help get back on their feet. NO! Sell your reliable dependable new cars and buy one or 2 cars that are worth $1500.00 a each ( that will breakdown and cost you more money to repair that you cannot afford) then maybe we can be of help. Ture story as I am typing this.
That is WHERE OUR SHOCKNESS SHOULD BE. YOU SHOULD BE ASHAMED that your 13 year has to drive pass another 13 year who has to do prostitiution so that she and her family can eat and live!!!! Your 13 year old should be SHOCKED that another 13 year must live in POVERTY IN A WAR TORN COUNTRY. Your 13 year old SHOULD BE ASHAMED THAT THEIR COUNRTY NEED EVER SENT THE FOREIGN AID it PROMISED!!!! and IS DECEIVING IT'S PEOPLE THAT THEY DID!!!!
PLEASE Wake UP and get YOUR HEADS from out of the ground, out of your $200,000 or more MANSIONS and see LIFE!!! GET involved to help those in need and STOP this ridiculous nonsense about breastfeeding mother's and stay at home mother's against mother's who work outside the home!!!
Don't you get it- as long as the powers that be (the ruling males and religious male powered groups) can drive a wedge between women from all classes, race, and religions that they can continue to dominate the issues that are truly important to the survival of our children and families and in the end the world we live in.
Just stop this stupid Nonsense about the exposure of a breast - it is all in your head whether it is a sexual object or not. That impression was Brainwashed into your head for you to be ashamed of it - that is controlly your intellectual process.
I am a breastfeeding mother, and the only reason I ever pull a scarf out to cover my baby feeding is because of other people being uncomfortable with seeing a breast as actually a useful object other than sexual. I stopped using the scarf because it is just plain too hot outside to use one. I cannot believe that I even have to consider what other people may be thinking when it comes to feeding my baby. That being said, I can see how other women would be too embarassed to breastfeed because of this. I am not one to hide my body, but I am sure there are many bashful women out there. I definitely do not feel gross about seeing a breastfeeding mom, and in fact, I encourage all new mothers to breastfeed. It is the most natural and healthy way to feed a baby. It is difficult to breastfeed at first, and adding social pressures to cover up does not help matters at all. I believe more women would nurse their children if they had support, and in the long run, there would be more healthy children with close emotional attachments to their mothers than now.
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