With the lack of any good, pertinent articles to discuss, I've decided to raise an issue that I think is pertinent to all of our lives: Can women really run the world? In the latest Marie Claire, Julia Stiles talks about the 10 hardest things she's learned. The one that intrigued me most was: #4 - "If women could channel all the time and energy they spend on diets and food issues into something else, we'd be running the world. Or maybe I'm crazy."(click here for the article)
When I read this, it threw me off for a second. I guess I had just imagined these words coming from someone with a less-than-airbrushed blonde-haired, blue-eyed size 2 bombshell who's on the front cover of one of the country's most popular women's magazines. But maybe that's just me. Regardless, she does bring up a good point.
Yesterday, I turned on Oprah and saw that they were giving a young African-American woman help with her eyebrows. They even had the world-famous Anastasia come on the show and do this woman's eyebrows in front of the audience. The only thing I could think of was "Are we more concerned about plucking, pulling, relaxing, doing other things to our body than we are about world issues or even national issues (e.g. Hurricane danger, Afghanistan's exponentially increasing death toll, etc.)?"
In Oprah magazine's latest issue, there's a great article about how women in Sweden (I think it's Sweden)are ususally the breadwinners and the men stay home to raise the kids. They have a better maternity leave and women are more abrasive than those in the U.S. due to their wish to keep the balance of power equal to that of men (i.e. many women refuse the men if they try to pay for a date, etc.).
Women abroad are running their countries, but is it possible for American women to do the same? Or do we have more of power struggle due to the acts of chivalry and male-domination that has ruled this country since Washington was president?
Are women are still hitting the "glass ceiling" or is there a chance for us to really have equal access to the same positions and power as men?
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