This article was sent to the Whatwomenreallythink@gmail.com account, and I think it has room for a lot of debate. It talks about the new phenomenon of married couples creating Post-Nups, rather than Pre-nups. Here's an excerpt from the article (Click here for full article):
"I've seen a pickup in post-nups. They're much more popular," said Cynthia Rubin, a partner at Flemming Zulack Williamson Zauderer in New York. Rubin said most of the clients she's done post-nups for are successful women working in investment banking or corporate law who, upon deciding to leave the workforce to raise kids, are looking for financial security to compensate for the loss they'll be taking when they stop work for a few years."
But, who wants a "Nup" at all? If you get married, I think that's agreement enough: it's before God, your friends and family, and it's an agreement you've made with yourself to stick it out through thick and thin.
Some people think that it's better to get a pre-nup or post-nup if there's a huge gap between income and asset levels of the couples. Others think that money and assets should be part of the package deal when you get married. I've even heard people say that it's better to agree to the assets and financial award in the event of a divorce BEFOREHAND while you still like/love each other...that way, you get the best deal possible.
What do you guys think? Are you for a pre-nup or post-nup? Better yet, are YOU going to get one before or after YOU'RE married? That's the real question.
Now I am in favor of both the pre and post nups. Now that I am older (wiser?) After seeing the devastation to both women and children when the man walks out that door for whatever the reason. Unless momma has an education to fall back on they will drop many times into poverty or a few steps down to what they were accustom to.
So, as I tell my daughters and granddaughters Get your education and when you want to marry make sure you have the pre or post nups signed as he is telling "I will Love You forever and ever."
I dunno. I am kind of torn. I generally have been steered away from pre-nups due to my parents divorce. As backwards as it sounds, I was!
My boyfriend and I could do a pre-nup,but what's in it for me? I don't feel entitled to anything that's his NOW....so, I wouldn't even know what to ask for if we did have one before we tie the knot. Also, my boyfriend is a lawyer...and I know he'd take me to the cleaners, hide money, or whatever if we had a nasty divorce. So, what's the point?! Not saying he's a nasty guy...I'm just saying he's a very smart cookie.
I guess I still have the hope that if we ended our relationship, we'd be civilized and end it neatly. But, as I know from my family, children and life choices change everything.
Still torn...I don't have significant assets to my name right now, so is there any benefit to me in doing a pre-nup? If not, why bother? Just keepin' it real...
Well friends, keeping it real I would have to say for me it has never been an issue and will never be an issue because between my husband and I all we have to argue over are the SIZZLER coupons, but for all the young people that have a certain level of financial security going into a marriage there is nothing wrong with protecting yourself. Sure "I will Love you forever is great", "till death do us part" is touching but how real is that anymore? Unfortunatly, marriage is now more of a business deal situation with great benefits but always make sure you have a great insurance plan called(PRE NUP).
I think it's important to realize that a prenup/postnup can include as little or as much as you want. It could say that you agree in the event of a divorce you will both support your children until they graduate from college or it could say that the marital property will be divided equally. The idea is that you may not have much now, but you could have a lot more 20 years from now. And I think it's equally important if the other person has more money - you don't want to get the short end of the stick.
Good Response!
You have to have a pre-nup. It doesn't matter what you have or don't have, while everyone is happy and cooing you need to make some decisions about what you would do if the all that bliss turns out to be a bust. Divorces can get ugly real fast with or without children and have a lasting impact emotionally and financially. It's just better to have everything in writing upfront. Plus who knows where you will be in say 5 to 10 years after the marriage. Even if you didn't add a dime you might have helped build the business by staying at home and being supportive or you could have hit it big and made huge strides professionally. It does seem pessimistic to go into a marriage with a game plan for splitting everything at the end of the marriage, but I look at it as an marriage insurance policy. With any insurance most likely you won't use it, but you sure are happy to have it when something happens.
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