Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Are Strippers Who Are Raped Really Protected Under The Law?

2 Duke Lacrosse players, Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann, have been arrested and charged with raping and kidnapping a stripper at an off-campus house party. Now a 3rd suspect may be charged as well. This issue has sparked many racial, wealth/class, and social stigma debate.
Click Here for Article.

On March 14, 2006 two African-American women were hired to dance at a party by the Duke University Men's Lacrosse team. One of these African-American women was allegedly raped,sodomized, and racially terrorized by 3 white members of the Duke University Men's Lacrosse team. The stripper who brought the claim is a 27 year old student at a nearby college and is also the mother of 2 children. All but 1 of the 47 lacrosse players are white.

Collin Finnerty and Reade Seligmann are both from upper class, wealthy families and attended prep schools. The black woman is probably struggling to get by. Collin Finnerty has been previously charged with assaulting a man in Washington, D.C. and calling him gay and derogatory names.Other Lacrosse team members has previously been arrested for underage drinking and public urination, however neither Finnerty or Seligmann were among those arrested.

Currently, Finnerty and Seligmann have been released on a $400,000 bail and await trial.

The questions that no one is asking but everyone wants to talk about are:
1. Can a stripper accuse someone of rape when she knowingly goes to a party to perform and sexually arouse numerous men?

2. Do strippers really get the full benefit of the law when their "career" has a social stigma attached to it?

3. Do you think race and wealth really affect the outcome of this case?

Or is this issue part of a much bigger problem, mainly the way black women are portrayed as super sexually-charged erotic beings in entertainment (music videos, movies, etc.)?
Click here for article discussing this issue

What do YOU think?

Krista Summit of Durham, N.C., created a blog called“Justice 4 Two Sisters” that covers everything that's been happening in the case from a local point of view, including Jesse Jackson's organization offering to pay for the accuser to finish her to finish school. Check it out for more info.


Anonymous said...

Age old dilema. How much of a tease can you be before it's "not his fault, he was just being a man." I have never bought that load of crap. The woman was a stripper, not a prostitute, and didn't deserve to be ("allegedly") assaulted. And even if she WAS a prostitute, no means no, and a man who violates a woman be she a stripper or a house wife should be held accountable in a court of law.

Lori said...

I agree with you both, but here's my thing: where was the friend aka the other stripper who was with her?

Stripping is a dangerous profession. I think strippers, or anyone in a dangerous profession, should have a way to protect themselves at all times. Cops wear bullet proof vests. HIV workers wear gloves and masks. I know these are different situations, but I think that if you're going to strip, have a friend, brother, or buff girlfriend accompany you. I know if you're stripping, you don't have a lot of cash. But a friend would be willing to help you out if you get called to strip at a white boy, frat house-type drunken fiesta party...or any party for that matter.

This ain't a new people in these professions need to be prepared, whether with a taser gun, a blade, or a friend/bodyguard with them whenever they perform. Stripping usually ain't a weekday thing, so they should be able to find a friend on the weekend to help "supervise". That's why prostitutes have pimps...for safety.


Anonymous said...

It's too bad that race is still such a big issue today. The previous commenter is correct- strippers should have a body guard when they go to perform. 41 lacross players and a couple women performing? I think if the women were black, white, yellow, or whatever, they would have had a high chance of being harrassed.

Lori said...

So, if there is evidence that gives the 2 boys an alibi, aka the receipt from the diner, then what enabled them to be arrested and charged in the case? There has to be some probable you know?