This article discusses the fact that marraige rates for African-American people has on a steady decline since the 1960s, and now sex, love, and having children are seen more as an "a la carte" deal rather than going hand-in-hand.
What's happened? Have Black women become more self-sufficient and therefore don't see the need to be married? Or have Black men become jaded by the idea of independent, self-sufficient "I don't need a man" type Black women? Or are both parties unwilling to make the necessary sacrifices for a good marriage?
Is marriage really just for White people?
Marriage is for White People - Follow Up
Click here for article
Looks like we're not the only ones talking about this piece! Check out the transcript of yesterday's online Q&A with the article's author.
What do we think about the issues folks are raising?
10:35 PM
I think that women are definitely quicker to tolerate less. The article doesn't talk about the "happiness" factor, and how much of a role that played in marriage and divorce. It seems, in my estimation, that people who stay married for a long time are either:
1.Great at communicating and respect each other immensely
2.Have rolled over and played dead when it comes to their emotions so they can survive the bad times and be there to see the good times
3. Lead separate lives and maintain a coupled image, even though they've lost touch emotionally
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